# Administration

This document pertains to the administrative side of managing Launch Pad teams, such as team structure, meeting schedules, the roles of different teams, and participation requirements.


This page is a bit outdated!

# Team Structure

# Development Teams

Launch Pad primarily consists of agile development teams centered around a shared project. Each team consists of a Tech Lead and a number of Developers, usually between 5 to 8.

Tech Leads are experienced developers who are responsible for managing the team by planning the project roadmap, assigning tickets during sprints, and implementing challenging features. They are also available as a resource to less experienced developers on the team. If you have any trouble with your issue, questions about Launch Pad, or just a random technical question: ask your Tech Lead.

Teams focus on a particular platform or technology, like Android, Web, or Machine Learning, and build a project for that platform. Platform teams are meant to balance learning with creation: teams working together have the ability to build interesting projects, less experienced developers have the opportunity to learn in the process, and more experienced developers get a taste of management and mentoring. Teams aim to model the experience of building a product at a software company.

# Design Team

UBC Launch Pad has a Design team that handles designs and asset creation for Launch Pad projects. Each project that requires design help should have one or more designers working with the team. Shared design assets, such as Launch Pad logos, can be found in the Design repo.

# Strategy Team

UBC Launch Pad has a Strategy team that focusses on strategically growing the team. This team will focus on increasing campus awareness, forming strategic partnerships, and acquiring talent in order to further contribute to Launch Pad's vision to be the leading university technology club in Vancouver, Canada, or maybe even the world.

# Meetings

Launch Pad meets every Saturday from 11AM-3PM. You are expected to be on time for every meeting. If you can't make a meeting or will be significantly late, let your team lead know as far in advance as possible.

The first hour is reserved for each team to catch up on last week's progress and plan tickets for the next week. The design team will meet separately from their project teams during this period.

At 12PM, we have a Launch Pad-wide stand-up where a member from each team tells everyone (1) what their team has accomplished since last week and (2) what their team plans to work on this week.

After the Launch Pad-wide stand-up, each team works on their project together until 3PM. Designers will rejoin their respective projects at this point.

Each meeting, a different team will give a brief live demo of their project just after standup, showing off any new features that have been developed since their previous demo.

# Tickets

As a team member, you are assigned one or more tickets every week. The total expected time to complete your tickets for a week should be about 8 hours (4 hours in the meeting and 4 hours during the week). You are expected to complete your tickets to the best of your ability and create a pull request before the next meeting (whether you actually completed your ticket or not - if incomplete, make sure to add a "label" to the pull request to mark it as "WIP" or "in progress").

# Absence & Neglected Tickets

If you can't make a meeting or complete a ticket because you're sick, swamped at school, traveling, etc, let your Tech Lead and team know as far in advance as possible - everyone understands that life gets in the way sometimes.

If you continually miss meetings, neglect tickets, or don't communicate with your team, we will ask you to reconsider your participation in Launch Pad.